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Logistics services

We adapt to reality, to the daily needs of our clients, the dynamic market, the competitiveness of various industries, and their specific requirements.

EULEN Group possesses extensive experience in managing Inhouse Logistic Outsourcing Services. Leveraging our substantial expertise, we deliver these services to major clients, operating across nearly all economic sectors, including the industrial, agri-food, textile, automotive, and transportation and telecommunications sectors, among others.

Within the Inhouse domain, we manage services related to the auxiliary activities of our clients and their production processes, as well as activities performed in the supply chain. Our logistic services encompass a wide range of activities.

Logistic activities require innovation, technology, and continuous improvement of processes to enhance the competitiveness of your businesses.

Our services are tailored to this reality.

Achieve improved productivity with excellent logistics services

The EULEN Group aims to provide and manage a wide range of complementary services to the hard core of our client’s activity, both in production processes and in the supply chain. It manages its in-house logistics services through the Lean methodology, improving its processes, providing value to its customers through the introduction of new technologies and technical means.

We provide and manage a wide range of complementary services to the hard core of the business activity, and we do so efficiently, flexibly and incorporating those technological innovations that allow us to increase the competitive and productive advantage of our partners.

mejora de la productividad logítica

Specific services for logistics activities:

We provide the following services:

Hospital logistics.
Product reception.

Internal movements.
Management of orders.

Management of product traffic.
Management of dedicated warehouses.
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