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We apply the latest technology to provide quality environmental management.

We apply the latest technology to provide quality environmental management

Since 1981, at EULEN Group we have been working to preserve urban and natural spaces, providing comprehensive solutions to environmental needs.

Aware of the bond that unites us with nature, at EULEN Environment we provide services to municipal corporations and other public bodies, as well as to private entities that know how to ensure the well-being that citizens and users deserve. In the urban environment, the values provided by green areas in our cities are unquestionable, positively influencing the quality of life. In this environment, EULEN Medio Ambiente’s contribution to a commitment to quality conservation is recognised by its clients throughout Spain.

servicio medio ambiente

Natural experience. We give life to our environment.

In the natural environment, on the other hand, we are increasingly committed to the recovery and enhancement of forest environments, river banks and margins, coastlines, and to promoting biodiversity and contributing to the mitigation of the consequences of climate change.

Our accumulated experience and commitment to our environment make us specialists in nature. The EULEN Group, a leader in the provision of business services and the parent company of EULEN Environment, is also a member of the Global Compact and aligned with the SDGs, calculating, reducing and offsetting our carbon footprint, within a context of climate emergency.

The quality of our services, the transparency of our management and respect for the environment and sustainability are the foundations on which EULEN Group’s corporate social responsibility policies are based.

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